Willkommen auf der Seite der Professur für Romanische Literaturen mit Schwerpunkt iberoamerikanische Literatur

Professor Anne Kraume

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

Romance literatures with a focus on Ibero-American literature

The working group Romance literatures with a focus on Ibero-American literature analyses French- and Spanish-language literatures in Europe and various non-European regions (especially in Latin America). Research-wise, the historical focus is on the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and the systematic focus is on the transfer of knowledge between Europe and Latin America during this period. With regard to teaching, the professorship aims to provide an overview of the French- and Spanish-language literatures of the world. It offers insights into the various literary-historical periods and literary currents, and places particular emphasis on imparting the foundations of methodology and literary theory for the study of aesthetic issues.

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Christina Lembrecht

Romance Studies
at the Department of Literary Studies

Literary Romance Studies at the University of Konstanz cover the fields of French Studies, Italian Studies and Hispanic Studies. Beyond the Romance perspective, the overarching interest in general literary and cultural theory has formed a particular teaching and research profile at the University of Konstanz since its founding days.

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

Study programmes

We offer three BA programmes in French/Italian/Spanish and Ibero-American Studies as well as an MA Literature with a focus on these three philologies. In addition, special emphasis is placed on the teacher education programmes (BEd/MEd) for French, Italian and Spanish. The departmental section is closely involved in the MA programme in Global European Studies and in the BA/MA in Literature-Art-Media.

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

© Anne Kraume
© Anne Kraume

Transoceanic Imaginations

International conference, September 30–October 2, 2024, University of Konstanz

Venue: Y 311

Monday, September 30

13:00   Anne Kraume/Miriam Lay Brander (Konstanz/Eichstätt): Welcome and Introduction

13:30   Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Saarbrücken): Jean-Baptiste Lislet-Geoffroy – the subaltern voice of a former slave in the transoceanic literary and scientific field. Colonial issues and postcolonial imaginations

14:15   Julia Schlicher (Konstanz): Transoceanic entanglements on the Carreira da Índia in Pour mourir, le monde (2023) by Yan Lespoux

15.00   Coffee Break

15:30   Jobst Welge (Leipzig): Indian Ocean Imaginaries: Fluid Boundaries and Intersecting Histories in Mozambican Literature

16:15   Gesine Brede (Frankfurt): Conquering the free sea. On the simultaneity of transoceanic and circum-Caribbean mobilities in 17th century French pirate narratives

17:00   Rolando Carrasco (Berlin): Configuraciones transoceánicas y marítimas del destierro jesuita (1767) de las Indias

19:30   Dinner (Constanzer Wirtshaus, Spanierstraße 3)

Tuesday, October 1

09:00   Karen Poe (San José): El mar Caribe como espacio de resistencia contrahegemónica en la novela Limón blues de Anacristina Rossi

09:45   Gustavo Gutiérrez (Eichstätt): Of Gods and Seas: La mucama de Omicunlé and The Salt Roads

10.30   Coffee Break

11:00   Natalia Eduardo (Eichstätt): Oceanic Infrastructures in Two Caribbean Science Fiction Novels: Tentacle from Rita Indiana and Caja de fractales from Luis Othoniel Rosa

11:45  Rebecca Seewald (Köln): Floating in time and memory. Oceanic imagery in El asedio animal (2021) by Vanessa Londoño

12.30   Lunch Break

13:30   Norah El Gammal (Frankfurt/Oder): Hiatus and Haunting – The Ocean as the site of disaster

14:15   Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger (Gießen): “Water Spirituality” and “Oceanic Modernity” – Interpreting Global Literatures

15.00   Coffee Break

15:30   Steffen Schneider (Graz): Mediterranean vs. Caribbean? Geophilosophical constructions of cultural and natural spaces

16:15   Marta Puxan Oliva (Palma de Mallorca): Narrating the rise of sea levels: narrative voice in Núria Perpinyà’s Diatomea and scientific reports

19:30               Dinner (Il Boccone, Bodanstraße 20-26)

Wednesday, October 2

09:00   Laura Meltke (Chemnitz): The other returning across the Strait of Gibraltar: Cinematic moments of trans-Mediterranean repatriation of deceased migrants

09:45   Markus Lenz (Saarbrücken): Spaces of trauma, spaces of new beginning: (Trans)oceanic imaginaries between Vietnam, France and Canada

10:30   Andreas Hartmann (Mainz): Un échange intra-océanique sur l’île et la terre dans la littérature de la Polynésie française chez Chantal T. Spitz et Titaua Peu

11.15   Coffee Break

11:45   Laura Torres-Rodríguez (Atlanta): Insular Borders: Centering the Pacific in Mexican and Latin American Studies

12:30   Bieke Willem (Köln): ‚En busca del mar‘. El imaginario oceánico en la narrativa de María Luisa Bombal

13.15   Lunch Break

14:15   Berit Callsen (Osnabrück): Imaginarios transpacíficos en el documental chileno: Guillermo Ribbeck y Patricio Guzmán

15:00   Kirsten Kramer (Bielefeld) – The Pacific Ocean between Earth, Sky, and Water. A Planetary Genealogy of Aquatic Space in Chilean Film and Literature (Guzmán, Zurita, Zúñiga)

15.45   Coffee Break

16:15   Kaimé Guerrero (Berlin): Transatlanticidade as a world-making intervention

17:00   Eduardo Luersen (Konstanz): Ocean Machine: Imageries of Connectivity and Disruption Surrounding Submarine Cable Networks

19:30   Dinner (Restaurant Wessenberg, Wessenbergstraße 41)