Willkommen auf der Seite der Professur für Romanische Literaturen mit Schwerpunkt iberoamerikanische Literatur

Professor Anne Kraume

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

Romance literatures with a focus on Ibero-American literature

The working group Romance literatures with a focus on Ibero-American literature analyses French- and Spanish-language literatures in Europe and various non-European regions (especially in Latin America). Research-wise, the historical focus is on the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and the systematic focus is on the transfer of knowledge between Europe and Latin America during this period. With regard to teaching, the professorship aims to provide an overview of the French- and Spanish-language literatures of the world. It offers insights into the various literary-historical periods and literary currents, and places particular emphasis on imparting the foundations of methodology and literary theory for the study of aesthetic issues.

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

[Translate to Englisch:] Copyright: Christina Lembrecht

Romance Studies
at the Department of Literary Studies

Literary Romance Studies at the University of Konstanz cover the fields of French Studies, Italian Studies and Hispanic Studies. Beyond the Romance perspective, the overarching interest in general literary and cultural theory has formed a particular teaching and research profile at the University of Konstanz since its founding days.

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

Study programmes

We offer three BA programmes in French/Italian/Spanish and Ibero-American Studies as well as an MA Literature with a focus on these three philologies. In addition, special emphasis is placed on the teacher education programmes (BEd/MEd) for French, Italian and Spanish. The departmental section is closely involved in the MA programme in Global European Studies and in the BA/MA in Literature-Art-Media.

(Image: © Christina Lembrecht)

 © Anne Kraume
© Anne Kraume

Viaje y espacio alrededor de 1800 – Perspectivas latinoamericanas

Coloquio de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 24. Juni 2022

14.00 Begrüßung

14.15 Prof. Dr. Susanne Schlünder (Osnabrück): "Asymmetrische Naturverhältnisse in der Relación histórica del viage a la América meridional (1748) und den Noticias secretas (publ. 1826) von Jorge Juan und Antonio de Ulloa"

15.15 Prof. Dr. Anne Kraume (Konstanz): "Transatlantische Raum-Zeiten in Bewegung. Reisen und Erzählen in fray Servando Teresa de Miers Memorias (1817–20)"

16.15 Kaffeepause

16.45 Prof. Dr. Leila Gómez (Boulder/Colorado): "Nostalgia y deseo colonial en Viajes por la América Meridional de Félix de Azara (de 1789 a 1801)"

Organisation: Prof. Dr. Jenny Haase, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Spaniens und Lateinamerikas, Institut für Romanistik, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg