Research Unit „Media and Partcipation. Between Demand and Entitlement“
Our theory of media participation is based on a processual mediality, which en- or disables the relational assemblages and heterogeneous configurations of participation. Participation can thus be described through processes of mediatisation and their co-constitutive relations. In the proceeding phase we will accentuate the historical and political dimensions in the context of negotiating possible alternatives within modernity. This not only allows for a critical observation of ‚relationality‘ in the field of relational anthropology, but also for a specific kind of theorisation, by which precarious subjects and their sociocultural, political and economic enivronmentalities are thought as co-constitutive. Based on the research of the first phase we identified theoretical problems that will now be addressed both in case studies and in theory. With regard to the research conducted in the sub-projects, we will further develop Nancy’s radical ontological concept of ‘community’ in socio-political, techno-ecological and economic discourses of ‘the common’. In doing so, we will strengthen the aspect of practices and especially that of processual constitution. Also, we will address current discourses on the interconnection between capitalist economy and ecology that has become more and more significant in discussions about communities and collectives.
Spokesperson: Professor Beate Ochsner, University of Konstanz
Current projects (2018-2021)
SP 1 Elements of a Critical Theory of Media and Participation
Prof. Dr. Erich Hörl, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Roberto Nigro, Leuphana University Lüneburg
SP 2 Techno-sensory processes of participation. App-practices and Dis/Ability
Prof. Dr. Beate Ochsner, University of Konstanz
SP 3 Smartphone-Communities. Dynamics of Resistance in Relations of Participation
Prof. Dr. Isabell Otto, University of Konstanz
SP 4 Media Cultures of Streaming
Prof. Dr. Urs Stäheli, University of Hamburg
SP 5 Participatory Critique as Transforming and Transversal With
Prof. Dr. Elke Bippus, Zurich University of the Arts, Institut for Theory
Prof. Dr. Christoph Brunner, Leuphana University Lüneburg
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Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)