
From Words to Dice: Game Design Club at the University of Konstanz

Hit the road with us in the Game Design Club as we adapt Sinclair Lewis’s road trip novel Free Air (1919) into a tabletop adventure. Get creative and design the most mind- and tire-blowing journey across early 20th-century America you can think of.

The Game Design Club invites students to approach literature and games from a new interdisciplinary perspective. As a platform dedicated to breaking barriers between theory and creative practice, it aims to provide students with a unique…




Colloquamur! Einladung zur Semestereröffnung am 22. Oktober 2024

Alle Studierenden der Latinistik und der Kulturwissenschaft der Antike sind herzlich eingeladen zur Semestereröffnung der Latinistik am Dienstag, den 22. Oktober 2024, ab 17 Uhr in H 306. Wie immer werden wir den Abend mit einem Apéro ausklingen lassen.

New Publication

The 4th edition of the Amerikanische Literaturgeschichte, co-published by Prof. Dr. Timo Müller, newly conceptualizes the history of American literature. While chapters from Puritanism to Postmodernism, that are considered classics in American Literary Studies, were just marginally altered, others will be found drastically revised or even newly written. Detailed portraits of Indigenous and Latin American literature as well as African American and Asian American literature take into account the…

International Conference: Cultures of Automobility (Oct 10-12, 2024)

The ERC-funded research project "Off the Road: The Environmental Aesthetics of Early Automobility" is hosting a conference at the University of Konstanz. "Cultures of Automobility" will feature presentations by over 30 researchers from various countries and disciplines, with keynotes by Lutz Koepnick (Vanderbilt) and Stéphanie Ponsavady (Wesleyan).

Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Günter Leypoldt (University Heidelberg): Literary Prestige and the Laureate Position in Cultural Space

We would like to invite you to the lecture "Literary Prestige and the Laureate Position in Cultural Space" by Prof. Dr. Günter Leypoldt (University Heidelberg). The lecture will take place on Thursday, July 11, from 5.00 to 6.30 p.m. in room H 303.

This lecture looks at literary prestige from the perspective of a new theory of value. It argues that today’s system of literary prizes has evolved from an older socio-institutional formation that I will call the “laureate position” in cultural…

Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Tony Magistrale (University Vermont): "Edgar Allan Poe and His Illustrators"

There are over 700 illustrators of Edgar Allan Poe’s work that come from painters and artists from around the world. Based on his recently published book, The Great Illustrators of Edgar Allan Poe, Professor Magistrale’s lecture focuses on the early artists—starting with Manet and the French symbolists—and continues to trace the evolution of Poe illustration into modernism. The lecture features well-known art and artists as well as illustration that will, like Poe himself, create a highly visual…

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„Die heutige Situation“ – Vadim Sidur zum 100. Geburtstag

Freitag, 28.06.2024 um 14 Uhr an Skulptur am Hockgraben