
Workshop by European Theatre Group on Shakespeare's The Tempest: 12/12, 1.30 to 3 p.m.

As part of their Winter tour around Western Europe, the Cambridge University European Theatre Group are holding workshops to delve into the details of Shakespeare’s play ‘The Tempest’. This workshop will aim to investigate the historical contexts that underpin key themes that drive the plot’s exploration of power, illusion and reality, forgiveness and reconciliation and magic. We will look at postcolonial interpretations, widening our understanding of the play’s presentation of exploration,…




Elizabeth Freestone: 'all which it inherit shall dissolve': Ecodramaturgy and the cultural infrastructure of Shakespeare's The Tempest

6.12.2023, 10-11.30 in H 307

At the invitation of the research initiative and core topic of the Centre of Cultural Inquiry, "Transforming Infrastructure: Cultural Perspectives", Elizabeth Freestone, theatre director and climate activist, will speak about her 2023 production of Shakespeare's The Tempest for the Royal Shakespeare Company as part of a seminar on "Resetting Shakespeare". Anyone interested is cordially invited!

Veranstaltungsreihe 2023: Diversity Gaming

GameLab Universität Konstanz

'Diversity Gaming' schafft einen freien und gemeinsamen Raum zum Spielen, Forschen und Diskutieren. Jede*r ist eingeladen. Es ist keine Voranmeldung oder Vorerfahrung notwendig.