© Anne Kraume
© Anne Kraume

Transoceanic Imaginations

International conference, September 30–October 2, 2024, University of Konstanz

Venue: Y 311

Monday, September 30

13:00   Anne Kraume/Miriam Lay Brander (Konstanz/Eichstätt): Welcome and Introduction

13:30   Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Saarbrücken): Jean-Baptiste Lislet-Geoffroy – the subaltern voice of a former slave in the transoceanic literary and scientific field. Colonial issues and postcolonial imaginations

14:15   Julia Schlicher (Konstanz): Transoceanic entanglements on the Carreira da Índia in Pour mourir, le monde (2023) by Yan Lespoux

15.00   Coffee Break

15:30   Jobst Welge (Leipzig): Indian Ocean Imaginaries: Fluid Boundaries and Intersecting Histories in Mozambican Literature

16:15   Gesine Brede (Frankfurt): Conquering the free sea. On the simultaneity of transoceanic and circum-Caribbean mobilities in 17th century French pirate narratives

17:00   Rolando Carrasco (Berlin): Configuraciones transoceánicas y marítimas del destierro jesuita (1767) de las Indias

19:30   Dinner (Constanzer Wirtshaus, Spanierstraße 3)

Tuesday, October 1

09:00   Karen Poe (San José): El mar Caribe como espacio de resistencia contrahegemónica en la novela Limón blues de Anacristina Rossi

09:45   Gustavo Gutiérrez (Eichstätt): Of Gods and Seas: La mucama de Omicunlé and The Salt Roads

10.30   Coffee Break

11:00   Natalia Eduardo (Eichstätt): Oceanic Infrastructures in Two Caribbean Science Fiction Novels: Tentacle from Rita Indiana and Caja de fractales from Luis Othoniel Rosa

11:45  Rebecca Seewald (Köln): Floating in time and memory. Oceanic imagery in El asedio animal (2021) by Vanessa Londoño

12.30   Lunch Break

13:30   Norah El Gammal (Frankfurt/Oder): Hiatus and Haunting – The Ocean as the site of disaster

14:15   Ineke Phaf-Rheinberger (Gießen): “Water Spirituality” and “Oceanic Modernity” – Interpreting Global Literatures

15.00   Coffee Break

15:30   Steffen Schneider (Graz): Mediterranean vs. Caribbean? Geophilosophical constructions of cultural and natural spaces

16:15   Marta Puxan Oliva (Palma de Mallorca): Narrating the rise of sea levels: narrative voice in Núria Perpinyà’s Diatomea and scientific reports

19:30               Dinner (Il Boccone, Bodanstraße 20-26)

Wednesday, October 2

09:00   Laura Meltke (Chemnitz): The other returning across the Strait of Gibraltar: Cinematic moments of trans-Mediterranean repatriation of deceased migrants

09:45   Markus Lenz (Saarbrücken): Spaces of trauma, spaces of new beginning: (Trans)oceanic imaginaries between Vietnam, France and Canada

10:30   Andreas Hartmann (Mainz): Un échange intra-océanique sur l’île et la terre dans la littérature de la Polynésie française chez Chantal T. Spitz et Titaua Peu

11.15   Coffee Break

11:45   Laura Torres-Rodríguez (Atlanta): Insular Borders: Centering the Pacific in Mexican and Latin American Studies

12:30   Bieke Willem (Köln): ‚En busca del mar‘. El imaginario oceánico en la narrativa de María Luisa Bombal

13.15   Lunch Break

14:15   Berit Callsen (Osnabrück): Imaginarios transpacíficos en el documental chileno: Guillermo Ribbeck y Patricio Guzmán

15:00   Kirsten Kramer (Bielefeld) – The Pacific Ocean between Earth, Sky, and Water. A Planetary Genealogy of Aquatic Space in Chilean Film and Literature (Guzmán, Zurita, Zúñiga)

15.45   Coffee Break

16:15   Kaimé Guerrero (Berlin): Transatlanticidade as a world-making intervention

17:00   Eduardo Luersen (Konstanz): Ocean Machine: Imageries of Connectivity and Disruption Surrounding Submarine Cable Networks

19:30   Dinner (Restaurant Wessenberg, Wessenbergstraße 41)